Our YDI Early Childhood Education & Family Development division is moving!
The YDI Early Childhood Education & Family Development Albuquerque Administrative office is in the process of moving to the Wool Warehouse. Staff have been working diligently to make this move seamless so that there is minimal service interruption. The moving process is scheduled to be completed in two phases – with some staff moving on June 30 th and the rest of the staff during the last week of July. We expect that all of the Early Childhood Division Administrative office team will be completely moved to the Wool Warehouse by the last week of July.
In order to accommodate the program’s growth and provide for a more cohesive team, we feel that the move to the Wool Warehouse will allow for improved communication and greater teamwork among program staff. With the additional space, the YDI Head Start/Early Head Start management team, teacher mentors and Albuquerque home visitors will be housed in one location. In addition, the Wool Warehouse is centrally located in the downtown area so we are hopeful that this new location will help increase our visibility to the community. Another advantage to moving to the Wool Warehouse is the free rent. This savings will allow the program to redirect resources to other important program initiatives.
The Wool Warehouse is a historic building in the “warehouse district” of downtown Albuquerque. The building was built in the 1920’s and has a unique history. The building offers a banquet venue that is managed through Ted Garcia. There are also two training rooms that are available for all YDI programs to use. Please contact Patricia Martinez at 212-7239 to reserve the training rooms for YDI functions.
In conclusion, once we have completed the move, we will schedule an Open House in August so that all YDI staff and the community may visit and tour the new YDI Early Childhood Education & Family Division Headquarters. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition period.
Our new address is 516 1st Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Debra Baca, YDI Vice President ECE
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