YDI Graduates 12 Young People from Gang Intervention Program
Did you know YDI is one of New Mexico's most powerful agents against Gang Prevention? The Albuquerque Metro area alone has 246 active gangs and as many as 7,700 documented Gang Members. Last night YDI's 4th Street Outreach (4SO)...
YDI Valencia Receives Rocky Mountain Emmy Award
Recently the teens enrolled in YDI Valencia's Teen Outreach Program (TOP), along with Chris Schueler of Christopher Productions, produced a documentary on teen pregnancy. Recently they were notified the documentary received a Rocky Mountain Emmy Award!...
YDI Valencia Partner Needs Your Help
Hello friends and supporters, we have a community partner of our YDI Valencia programs that is struggling to keep their great cause going. T-N-T Boxing is a youth program in Valencia County that is a mentoring program as well as a skill building program for youth....
YDI’s Elev8 program provides wellness for kids from many angles
For New Mexico’s young people, nurturing their potential is a must. The saying is oft-repeated, but young people are, indeed, our future. At Youth Development Inc., we impact their lives and, in many cases, expand their vision of tomorrow. Our young people are a...
Who are we and what do we do?
Want to know about who we are and what we do? This short video explains it. Please watch!
YDI Receives Mission:Graduate Awards
We are very proud to announce that three #YDI employees recently got awards from Mission: Graduate.Mission: Graduate's vision is a "world-class, seamless, and coordinated education system that provides equitable opportunities for all children and youth to excel and...
YDI Employees Collect and Deliver Holiday Presents to Hundreds of Families
This week YDI collaborated with the ABQ West Chamber of Commerce to collect and distribute hundreds of gifts to many of the families they serve. While many people enjoy unwrapping presents with their loved ones on Christmas morning, many families struggle to make ends...
#WelcomeToYDI New High School Equivalency Classroom Instructor Kerr Adams
Welcome to Kerr Adams, our new instructor for our High School Equivalency (HSE) classes! Kerr's teaching background is a combination of high school visual arts and outdoor education. Kerr began his career in California as a mountain climbing instructor and...