My name is Deanna Aragon. I’m 28 years old and a parent to a 12-year-old boy, Daniel. I’m originally from Questa, New Mexico. Reflecting on the upbringing I had, my parents both worked to provide for my sisters and me. We all attended YDI HeadStart in Questa during our early educational years. YDI has been a crucial resource to my family for generations.
I had Daniel when I was 16 years old. Life from that moment on has been very fast paced and very much a roller coaster. I graduated high school in 2014 when Daniel was 2 years old. We moved to Las Vegas, New Mexico for my first semester in college. Raising a 2-year-old, trying to potty train, being a college student, & working full time, introduced me to the real world.
Daniel and I moved back to our roots for a small period where I found myself working for the family and continuing school at UNM Taos. I completed my undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts with a focus in Criminal Justice.
In 2016, we packed up our lives and ventured off to Albuquerque to attend college at the University of New Mexico. I studied Criminology & Philosophy and completed my bachelor’s degree. Subsequently, I attended the continuing education program and obtained a post-baccalaureate degree in Paralegal Studies. During my time in college, I relied heavily on YDI for early education for my son Daniel.
In 2017, I began working for the State of New Mexico and we bought our first home. With further career development, I found myself seeking a profession where I could help people and be a good role model. After years of paralegal work, becoming a victim’s advocate, and working with victims of human trafficking and child exploitation, I applied to become a Deputy Sheriff with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office.
In 2020, I began my first police academy. I made it to the last two weeks of my 6-month academy and suffered an ankle injury. I was recycled and placed into a different academy class. I graduated from the police academy in January of 2022. Daniel was such a huge support system for me. My family, who still reside in Questa, also was a huge support for us during this time.
Upon graduation, I was assigned to the Field Services Division. I am currently assigned as a Student Support Deputy at a Collaborative School in the South Valley. I’m also assigned to Gang Recognition Intelligence and Patrol (GRIP) Unit, Community Engagement, and Part-Time Public Information Officer. I’m certified in Crisis Negotiations, Crisis Intervention, and am a General Instructor for the department.
I’m thrilled to see that Youth Development, Inc. has not only helped families in my small community but is also an integral part of many people’s lives that I now work for every day. Often, I refer families over to YDI for additional resources.