Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Case Management Program

The ACES program works with infants and children, ages 0-12, and their parents located within the Bernalillo County area, to address trauma affecting their lives.


The program will focus on referrals from day care centers, early childhood providers, PreK, elementary and middle schools in the Bernalillo County area. 

All clients will be administered the ACEs screening tool by trained program Case Managers and will work with the family to provide services appropriate to their needs. Behavioral health services such as assessment and therapy will be provided as indicated, with a licensed Master’s level therapist.  Case Management will be available to all.  Diagnostic assessment and therapy is specifically for the uninsured or underinsured clients.


Call: 505-212-7405

1710 Centro Familiar, SW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105


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